We utilize gloves to protect our skin from injury that could occur should our hands come in contact with harmful substances, like corrosive chemicals. If you work in an industry that utilizes strong cleaning products or other types of solvents and solutions, it is likely you’ll be handling corrosive chemicals.
But what is a corrosive chemical exactly, you ask? It is any sort of chemical that can cause damage to your skin or body tissue. This damage can come in a variety of forms, including eye irritation, burned skin, and an irritation or burning of your nose or throat if you breath in the chemicals.
Some of the most common corrosive chemicals that you might come across are hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, ammonium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, and sodium hydroxide.
These names may not be familiar to recognize right off the bat, so be sure to do some research to find out if these common chemicals are included in the products that you use on a regular basis. Once you know, you’ll be able to properly select disposable gloves that will better protect you from the corrosive chemicals you’re using.
Here’s a list of the best disposable glove material to use with each of the most common corrosive chemicals listed above:
Hydrochloric Acid: Products with Hydrochloric acid can safely be used with latex, nitrile, or vinyl disposable gloves.
Sulfuric Acid: Products with Sulfuric acid are recommended to be used with latex or vinyl disposable gloves. If you have to use nitrile, it should be for short, limited time frames.
Hydrofluoric Acid: Products with Hydrofluoric acid can safely be used with latex, nitrile, or vinyl disposable gloves.
Ammonium Hydroxide: Products with Ammonium Hydroxide are not recommended for use with disposable nitrile gloves, but can be used safely with latex and vinyl disposable gloves.
Potassium Hydroxide: Products with Potassium Hydroxide can safely be used with latex, nitrile, or vinyl disposable gloves.
Sodium Hydroxide: Products with Sodium Hydroxide can safely be used with latex, nitrile, or vinyl disposable gloves.